Campaign is the story mode of Tensor. Currently two story campaigns are available:
- Campaign A: a 4-level demonstration story campaign
- Campaign B: a full 16-level story campaign
For business and legal reasons we cannot promise future content updates, but we can say that the underlying software architecture was designed to accomodate the addition of more than 2 campaigns.
Version Differences:
- PC: contains campaigns A and B
- Demo: contains campaign A
General Hints
- Door status is hinted by its status light: cyan is unlocked, red is locked, black is power off.
- Looking for a power source? Follow the wires on the ceiling.
- Confused where to go? Maybe there is a crawl space cover you missed.
- The force tool pulling effect goes through fences and barriers.
- Bullets go through fences and barriers.
- The force tool can pull batteries, charge spheres, and spherical drones.
- If a soldier’s head was damaged, the head will not detach after its body is disabled
- Really stuck? Hold down the map display key (default M) to see your position in a level map. But beware, crawl space areas will look the same as ordinary walls!
The text walkthroughs skip all secrets and may contain spoilers